The supernatural power show was shot in Sejongro. Sejongro is the center of Seoul. Sejongro is located near the blue house (the presidential residence), the palace of Old Korean dynasty and the city hall. American embassy is located in Sejongro as well. Sejongro is a place for lots of festivals and at the same time it is a place of authority. It is also a place for demonstration against authority or social issues. For example many people in Seoul gathered in Sejongro to cheer Korean soccer team during world cup. But at the same time people gather in Sejongro to declaim against crimes of American soldiers stationing in Seoul. In the video a magician by mistake make the statue of Lee sun shin (historical figure of Korea, he is also a symbol of sejongro since the statue is located in the center of sejongro) disappear and the statue of Liberty suddenly appears on the spot of Lee statue. In fact, the statue of Liberty can replace the statue of Lee since America gets strong power regardless of countries. The right wing members of Korea always talks about friendship between Korea and America. In the video two statue finally meet in the four dimensional world. This video is funny but bitter at the same time.
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